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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jewelry Heaven

The last couple of years I have collected more jewelry (mostly cheapy costume jewelry) to accessorize my rather pathetic working wardrobe. I'm a VERY visual person and I need things where I'll see them or I'll forget (or not bother) to wear them. This is the left side of my bathroom counter (fortunately we have a nice, BIG bathroom and The Comedian and I have separate sink areas across the room from each other). I bought this cheap shelf with hooks at the Factory To You store and shabbied it up and painted the hooks black (they were a garish chrome finish). I like to see all of my necklaces hanging at arms reach.

I finally finished the remake on this picture frame. It was gold and garish so I shabbied it up and stretched a favorite piece of fabric over a frame and then put netting over the fabric. Now all of my earrings and favorite brooches are nice and neat rather than lying in a heap on the shelf.

This makes me smile everytime I look at it. I bought this glove form from The French Garden House and use it to hold bracelets and rings. I think it is cute...The Comedian thinks I've lost my marbles. Ahhhhh, the simple pleasures.


tammy said...

Now all that makes perfect sense and looks great!! You are a very resourceful and creative woman. :)

The Old Painted Cottage said...

Love the jewelry on the glove form..too cute!


Shannon said...

This is so great!!! I love these ideas. And it looks pretty too!