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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Wanna... an interesting blogger...have great pictures of fantastic meals to about the myriad of books I've read pictures of all the amazing decorating feats I've performed using free/nearly free/or found objects while having one hand tied behind my back as I'm on vacation to some exotic place.  Um, not gonna happen.  My days are anything but exciting.  Get up at 5 a.m..  Leave the house at 7 a.m.. Commute to my big girl job.  Put in a full day working for 3 bosses and the needs of 32 people in our department.  Come home pooped and still try to put together a nutritious, healthy and inexpensive meal.  Take care of the needs of my 11 yo grandson who is with us most days after school until up to 7:30 at night.  Wash face.  Brush teeth.  In bed by 9:30 p.m.  Repeat.  Hmmmm, wonder why you don't see any interesting pictures on my blog?  That's why.  I wanna  visit from my fairy godmother.


Unknown said...

Gee, maybe somebody needs a little attitude adjustment. People are starving in Africa, ya know.

They call me Estatez... said...

ROTFL! Do you think someone was having a pity party that day? Geesh, I need to get a grip (or have a nice, relaxing vacation!)